Hello, I am Mizuho Kurosaki. I am an eight-year old girl. My birthday is June 20, 1994. I go to Tsunashima Elementary School in Yokohama. Among the classes, I like crafts, drawing, and painting.
My favorite food is mango. I ate mangoes from India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, ... Which was the best? Difficult to say.
In Japan, I often make train trips to old towns and histrical places. In addition, I went to India, Hong Kong, England, America, and Canada. I have many friends in these countries too. I love Kitty, Miffy, and Pokemons.
Mizuho's Days in EnglandiAugust 2002j
Harry Potter called me to England. So I tried to visit places of the movie.
More pages to come
A train map showing our journey and train tickets.
I visited King's Cross Station where Harry began his journey.
I searched for Platform 9 and 3/4, but it wasn't there.
We left for Devon and Cornwall from Paddington Station. Countryside in Cornwall was pretty.
I visited the dining hall of Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (it was really a dining hall of Christchurch College, Oxford). The hall was really nice.
Lawn in the compound of Christchurch College, where Harry learned to fly on a broom. I enjoyed tea in "Alice in Wonderland". I learned that the author of the story was a professor at Oxford.
There are many cathedrals in England. I passed by Gloucester Cathedral on train but visited York Cathedral by myself.
At National Railway Museum, York, I found many old engines like Hogworts Express.
I ate Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans. So many flavors I found -- strawberry, pineapple, apple, tomato, carrot, spinach, horse raddish, ear tar, ...
In England, there are many people in addition to wizards and witches. I visited China Town and India Town.
Mizuho's page in Japanese
Mizuho's news and season's greetings 2003-04
Mizuho's news 2003-04 in Japanese
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